

A great place to begin on the road to wellness 

14 Day DETOX Nutri-Clean Programme to target the liver, including all supplements, instructions, FAQs, recipes menu planner and a workbook to fill in.

Detox programmes can help to eliminate toxins from your body, improve health, and promote weight loss. ... Your body has a sophisticated way of eliminating toxins that involves the liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs. Only when these organs are functioning at optimum levels, can they effectively eliminate unwanted substances. Our Detox Program will support your body to help you achieve the best outcome from your detox.

DETOX Pack & Price:

 • All Supplements
     - 1 x UltraClear Plus pH (Metabolic food)
     - 1 x Meta Lipoate (Alpha Lipoic Acid)
     - 1 x Celapro (Antioxidant blend)
     - 1 x NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine)
     - 1 x Psyllium & Apple Pectin

 • Programme Instructions

 • Food List

 • Food and Juice Recipes

 • Menu planner

 • Workbook to Complete

 • FAQs

PRICE: £149.00

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We will send your product pack to you along with a comprehensive information sheets – detailing supplements, recipes, food lists, menu plans and data collection sheets for you to fill in. 
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