Enhance Metabolism
8 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism Naturally
Your metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories
1. Eat breakfast
Skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism and makes your body think it's starving...not a great start to the day.
Note...It's best to eat the majority of your food earlier in the day. Dinner should be your lightest meal, best before 8 p.m. Do not eat later than 3 to 4 hours before bedtime as this helps your body process and burn the food when you're aware and moving around, which burns more calories per hour.
2. Don't starve
Dropping your calorie intake below 1,000 calories a day will signal to your body that you are in starvation mode, and will slow down your metabolism. Going 8 to 10 hours straight without eating will slow down your metabolism.
3. Get enough B vitamins
If you are suffering from lack of energy, you need to make sure that you are getting enough B vitamins. To ensure you're getting enough B vitamins, consider taking a B complex, plus a separate sublingual B-12.
Also, getting plenty of vitamin A, E, and C is important for a healthy thyroid diet because these vitamins contain important antioxidants.
4. Eat smaller meals more frequently
Eating small, frequent meals keeps your blood sugar stable and provides a steady source of energy to fuel metabolism.
5. Consider relaxation techniques that improve energy
Acupuncture and relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, qigong (pronounced chee-gung), and Reiki, can all help in adding and balancing energy. In qigong, tai chi, and yoga, gentle movements are used to move energy along the energy pathways of the body.
6. Get enough anaerobic exercise
Anaerobic exercise early in the day will help raise your metabolism all day.
7. Build muscle with resistance exercise
At least two to three times a week, you should add weight training or progressive resistance exercise that builds muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat. In fact, fat doesn't burn any, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.
8. Drink plenty of water
Drinking 8 8-ounce glasses of water every day helps your energy burning process, thyroid and metabolism work more effectively.ragraph